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It's probably going to be a big sister!

On 1st of January 2022, a new women's choir for singers aged 20 to 35 was founded, which already has 25 members.

The choir's initiator is cathedral organist Else-Marie Kristoffersen and belongs to the Diocese of Elsinore, but sings every-other Monday night in the Messiah Church in Charlottenlund.

The choir's leader is Cille Buch, whom we know from The Danish Girls' Choir of Fredensborg Chapel. It is therefore natural in Suona's DNA that you must have been a former elite chor singer to be admitted, but not necessarily from Fredensborg – all girl choir singers are welcome, it says!

It is an ambitious choir that strengthens and lifts each other both musically and socially.

It can be said that Suona is now our "safe big sister"; as a place to look to when we "grow out" of the Girls' Choir.

We are sincerely looking forward to following the choir's development.

If you want to know more about the 'Vocal Ensemble Suona', write to Cille Buch by email: